Portable installation

This installation has been made portable with the addition of pop-up wallpaper screens, making it flexible to venues of any shape or size. Programmers can select a variety of interactive elements and furniture to suit their requirements.
Please contact Kristina with questions on seeing the piece commissioned, and download the touring brochure below for more details.

Images of household dirt and mess

My Dirty Secret patterns are made by repeating and mirroring images of domestic mess and dirt. This process brings a surprising vibrancy, whilst reflecting the mundanity, and unending repetitiveness of household chores. These framed prints are available for exhibition as a stand-alone collection, or can be selected to feature within the installation.

Furniture and furnishings

Interactive elements

Wallpaper panels

Installation using pop-up wallpaper screens at Galeri in Caenarfon
Filed in: My Dirty Secret