Kristina Veasey likes to explore a range of processes in her work, from digital to more traditional craft.

Kristina is led by concept: the issues she wants to address, the provocations and narratives she is engaged with, and the perspectives she explores. The format the work takes, whether it be film, installation, or sculpture, and the materials used, are usually chosen because they add layers to the work and are the best way to convey the artist’s concepts whilst engaging her audiences.

Her digital images, animation, sound and film are easily accessible and are quick to share. Kristina enjoys having the ability to manipulate and control; to create illusion and drama and yet at the same time, also allow the capturing of honest, naked moments.

Kristina often feels the need to take a breath from the faster pace of modern technology and ground herself in more traditional, organic processes. She enjoys exploring new materials and techniques, and the physicality of moulding and forming.

“I find huge satisfaction in being able to use materials that are malleable and processes that are sensorial. It can be a whole-body experience for me and often the process itself is as important as the final piece.”

Kristina Veasey, visual artist
Capturing The Forest
Collaborating between Brazil and the UK, Kristina Veasey and Alejandro Ahmed create …
It’s Nice That
It's Nice That article on 'punk' movement of disabled artists in We …
Exploring resilience and solidarity in the landscape, heritage, and people of the …
Commissioned by Quiet Down There, Kristina was one of six artists who …
Room Full of Dirty Secrets
Blackpool Arts B&B commission to design a Room Full of Dirty Secrets, …
ITV Creates
Throughout 2019, ITV refreshed its on-screen identity for the first time in …
My Dirty Secret!
Do you flirt with your dirt, or lust for your dust? My …
Driving Inspiration
Kristina Veasey Kristina Veasey is a two-time Paralympian having competed in the …
The School Run
After 8 years of making a daily commute to and from her …
Beyond the Torch Run
Map of local perspective (front) Artwork by Tony Anderson Beyond the Torch …
Walk the Line
Kristina taught a stopframe animation skills to young people in the Pathways …
Cleaner Required!
Cleaner required! is a response to the disempowerment Kristina feels when pain …
A World Beneath My Feet
"I often use a wheelchair, and when walking I need to pay …
The Sorting Office
This is where you will be defined, assigned, and often maligned (a …
History on Your Doorstep
This animation commission is part of History on Your Doorstep, an East …