Portable installation
This installation has been made portable with the addition of pop-up wallpaper screens, making it flexible to venues of any shape or size. Programmers can select a variety of interactive elements and furniture to suit their requirements.
Please contact Kristina with questions on seeing the piece commissioned, and download the touring brochure below for more details.
Images of household dirt and mess
My Dirty Secret patterns are made by repeating and mirroring images of domestic mess and dirt. This process brings a surprising vibrancy, whilst reflecting the mundanity, and unending repetitiveness of household chores. These framed prints are available for exhibition as a stand-alone collection, or can be selected to feature within the installation.

Furniture and furnishings
Tub-style armchair upholstered in a range of patterned fabrics printed with repeating images of domestic mess and dirt. Yellow classic-style coffee table with glass top. The pattern on the table top is made from repeating images of soggy remains in the sink after the washing up has been done. Fringed rug, printed with repeating patterns of discarded shoes. Mugs printed in repeating patterns of domestic mess and dirt. Dining chairs upholstered in fabrics printed with repeating images of mess and dirt. Lloyd Loom chair upholstered in fabric printed with pattern made from repeating images of household mess. Highly patterned tablecloth and seat covers. Wallpapers printed in repeating patterns made from images of mess and dirt Lampshade printed in pattern made from repeating images of dirty plug sockets and trailing wires Fabrics printed in patterns made from repeating patterns off domestic mess and dirt. Highly patterned yellow, cylindrical lampshade on a standard lamp. The lampshade is printed with repeating images of soggy paneer and turmeric-stained washing-up froth.
Interactive elements
These books show the stages of creating the patterns made from images of mess and dirt. They contain anecdotes about housework. An audio chip allows the reader to listen to the content. Audio-visual video with BSL and Captions
Deaf audience members watch the captioned soundscapes and audio-visual tour of the installation which is accompanied by BSL interpretation. The video is played on repeat and contains a humorous parody of Through the Keyhole and the voices of members of the public who shared their relationships with houseworkYoung woman enjoys the installation. She is wearing a pinny and holding a feather duster sits listening to a telephone in front of a highly patterned wallpaper. All furniture in the installation is there to be used by audiences. The armchair is being used to view the telly from. Letter rack containing mail marked as private and secret. These letters can be opened by audience members and read. They contain anecdotes about housework and domestic mess that were collected from the public. These anecdotes can also be listened to on the sensor-activated telephone in the installation. Letter rack containing mail marked as private and secret. These letters can be opened by audience members and read. They contain anecdotes about housework and domestic mess that were collected from the public. These anecdotes can also be listened to on the sensor-activated telephone in the installation. Pinnys, feather dusters and a broom are provided for audiences to use in the installation space, and enjoy their own bit of tidying up.
Wallpaper panels