This wallpaper has a 70’s feel to it with all its oranges, reds and browns.
Up close I can see in detail the repeated ensemble that make up this pattern. I can see text on the back of the food wrapper, not quite clear enough to read and a little Keep Britain Tidy symbol. There is a lolly stick bearing a logo; it was a Magnum by all accounts.
In fact, it’s easy to get engrossed in recognising what items make up this wallpaper and it’s only when you step back and see it from the opposite side of the room that it reverts to being the sum of its parts and purely a pattern again. From further back, the repeating food wrappers join together end to end, zig-zagging in horizontal, orange and blue lines across the wall. Between these lines run mirrored images of cluttered items: a cream and brown soup tureen, its handle towards us alternates with the red chocolate tin. On top of that, there is a half-filled glass; the remains of a barcode sticker plastered to its side.
Filed in: MDS - Hallway, My Dirty Secret, My Dirty Secret Virtual Experience